Evil Cult Managment System v1.0


Sacrificing makes Evil Gods happy, and less likely to unleash their infinite anger upon the World.
Keep in mind, that you have to satisfy weekly sacrifices quota!
Select victim: (Starts new day)

Cult gatherings

Write a spech for the next cult gathering. Better the speech (and priest reading it) more money you gonna get for it! Use some nice words, like "satan" or "evil".

Select priest: (Starts new day)
Last speech made: $

Cult operations

You can send you henchmen to "convince" new followers to join your cult
Select henchmen:
Henchmen skill:
Speaking skill:
(Starts new day)

Operation status

Evil gods satisfaction:
Sacrifices quota for this week
Money: $
Day: , week:

Operation log


Gameplay: kszaku
ASCII arts: ASCII Word
SFX: qubodup Cadere Sounds Vinrax
Made for Ludum Dare 43